Mastering Working Directory: A 7-Step Guide to Efficient Git Workflows

Working Directory

The working directory (or working tree) in Git refers to the directory on your local machine where the actual files and folders of your project are located. It is where you create, edit, and delete files during the course of your development.

In Git, the working directory is a key part of the workflow, and it interacts with two other areas: the staging area (index) and the repository (committed history).

 Understanding how the working directory fits into Git’s structure is essential for version control.

Working repository

Key Concepts of the Working Directory in Git:

1. The Three Git Areas

In Git, files move through three primary areas as they evolve:

  1. Working Directory: The actual files on your local machine where you make changes.
  2. Staging Area (Index): The place where you add changes before committing them
  3. Repository (.git folder): The location where committed snapshots of the project history are stored.

Here’s how these areas work together

  • You make changes in the working directory.
  • You add the changes to the staging area when you’re ready to commit.
  • You commit the staged changes to the repository

2. Making Changes in the Working Directory

  • When you create, modify, or delete files in the working directory, Git recognizes these changes as untracked or modified.
  • The working directory reflects the current state of your project, but it does not yet represent what will be committed until you explicitly stage the changes.
  • Key Commands to Check Working Directory Status:
  • To check the state of your working directory and see what files have been changed or added:

    git status

  • Example output:

    On branch main
    Changes not staged for commit:
    (use “git add <file>…” to update what will be committed)
    (use “git restore <file>…” to discard changes in working directory)
    modified:   file1.txt
    deleted:    file2.txtUntracked files:
    (use “git add <file>…” to include in what will be committed)

  • File States in the Working Directory:
    • Untracked: New files that Git is not tracking yet (not added to the staging area).
    • Modified: Files that have been changed but not yet staged.
    • Deleted: Files that have been deleted but the deletion hasn’t been staged yet.

3. Staging Changes from the Working Directory

Once you’ve made changes in the working directory, you typically move files to the staging area if you want to include them in the next commit. This ensures that only specific files or changes are committed.

  • To move changes from the working directory to the staging area:

    git add <file>

  • or to stage all changes:

    git add .

  • After staging, the changes are ready to be committed but are still reflected in the working directory until you commit them.

4. Committing Changes from the Working Directory

Once changes have been staged, the next step is to commit them to the repository. This moves the changes from the staging area into the Git history.

  • To commit changes:

    git commit -m “Commit message”

At this point, the repository is updated, and the working directory remains clean until further changes are made.

5. Working Directory Clean vs. Dirty

  • A clean working directory means that there are no changes that Git doesn’t know about—nothing is untracked or modified.
  • A dirty working directory means there are changes that have not been staged or committed yet (untracked or modified files).

You can see whether your working directory is clean or dirty by using git status. If everything is committed or staged, Git will tell you the working directory is clean.

6. Restoring the Working Directory to a Previous State

Sometimes you want to discard changes made in the working directory and return files to the last committed state.

  • Undo changes to a specific file:

    git checkout — <file>

    This resets the file in your working directory to the state it was in at the last commit.


  • Discard uncommitted changes:

    git restore <file>

    This will also discard changes in the working directory for that specific file.

  • Reset the entire working directory to the last committed state:

    git reset –hard


    Be careful with this command, as it will remove any uncommitted changes in the working directory.

7. Ignoring Files in the Working Directory

Sometimes, you might have files in the working directory that you do not want Git to track (e.g., temporary files, configuration files, or build artifacts).

• • You can add these files to a .gitignore file, which tells Git to ignore them when checking the status or adding changes.
Example .gitignore file:
# Ignore all .log files
*.log# Ignore build/ directory


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